
Keep track of withdrawal disbursements of your account balance with Payouts.

Payouts will have a descriptor of "MerchPayout" (for payouts prior to August 28th, 2024) or "MerchPayoutLINQ" (current descriptor) on your bank deposit.

Payout Snapshot

  1. View your Account Balance. This is the total balance of all settled transaction revenue.

    1. Click Account Balance to visit the Balance Details page.

  2. View your Payout Schedule. This tile displays the dollar amount or percentage of the account balance that is scheduled for payout. Note the payout frequency badge.

    1. Click View Schedules to view your current payout schedule.
      Note: LINQ Pay currently operates on a daily payout schedule. If you would like a custom payout schedule, please contact LINQ Support.

    2. Do not Edit Schedule as this may cause unexpected delays to your payouts. If you would like to edit your payout schedule, please contact LINQ Support.

  3. View your Next Payout Details including the Amount, Date, Account, and Frequency.

Payout History

  1. Click to select data entities for display.

    1. Search for a specific data entity field.

    2. Click the carat for Payouts Data, Withdrawal Data, or Account Data to expand the corresponding data fields. Click the box associated with a field to select it.

    3. Drag and drop selected data entities to Sort them. Columns listed top to bottom will display left to right accordingly.

    4. Select a previously saved Column View if needed.

    5. Click Create New View to save data entity selections as a new Payout History view. Click Save View to save changes to a previously created view.

  2. Click the Sort By drop-down to select a data entity field to sort results by.

  3. Use keywords to Search for a specific payout record.

  4. Click Filters to filter returned payout records by specific data entities.

    1. Search for a specific data entity.

    2. Use the carats to expand data types.

    3. Click the box for a data entity to select it for filtering.

  5. Notice the column headers that reflect the configuration from Step 1.
    Default: Date Created, Account, Status, Amount

  6. Click Payout Details to view the Payout Details page.